Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Happy 4th birthday Carlie and Happy 2nd birthday Jenna!

We did a big carnival theme party for Carlie and Jenna (although the party was geared towards Carlie more since this was her first official birthday party with her friends). We had several games (ring toss, potato sack, pin the tail on the donkey, bounce a ball, face pairing, photo booth). For snacks we had cotton candy, hot dogs, rainbow cookies, rainbow cake (made by me), apples, and popcorn.



face painting


running around, playing with chalk and bikes. 


Happy Birthday Carlie

I still remember the day Carlie was born, it was an unforgettable moment. Our first child. I remember when we walked into our home for the first time. It was small, quiet, and peaceful. It jus felt right.  It felt natural. I am so grateful for Carlie. She is my right hand. She just makes me laugh, she is so smart and always loves to be around me (hoping this will last forever!). Carlie is my observant, cautious, smart girl. She is friendly and goofy. Loves to make silly faces. She loves to learn and do arts and craft activities. She is thoughtful of others and knows what she wants. She is my very picky eater, loves to sing, play dress up,and loves the color blue. She is a great daughter. I LOVE you Carlie - a million, billion, zillion! Happy Birthday Carlie.  


Happy Birthday Jenna

When Jenna was born I remember looking at her thinking how perfect she was and how grateful i was to have her. I had definitely forgotten how hard it was to be woken up every 3 hours by a hungry baby! Jenna is so full of life. It's contagious. She loves to explore and is so curious about things. She is very friendly - always going up to people to say hello (no matter how old or young they may be). She loves to dance and sing. She will eat anything plus more. She loves purses, makeup, dollies, and all that is girlie. She loves pink and wear dresses or too-toos. She either loves to wear her too-toos or just her underwear (see picture below). She is very opinionated and is in the "I do it" stage right now with everything! She loves to sing. She is a great daughter! I LOVE you Jenna!

BATHTIME FUN april 26, 2013

These girls have a lot of fun in the tubs. I love being with them!

Easter Sunday 2013

Abue Rosita made these beautiful dresses for Carlie and Jenna for Easter sunday. They are beautiful and we got a lot of compliments on them :)