Sunday, July 31, 2011

Golden years

Yesterday we threw a surprise birthday party for my dear mom who will be turning 50 Augugst 1st. We invited her siblings and many of her friends. We had some food and then we enjoyed some cake, ice cream and each others' company. I worked on the cake for two days. I couldn't have done it without the help of Janson and Susan who helped entertain my girls while i slaved for 7+ hours to accomplish my first topsy turvy cake. Poor Janson had to put up weeks of me talking about this cake and how indecisive i was about the design. But he was kind enough to listen and give me his input when asked. 

For those of you who may not know my mom real well, i'd say if i had to use one word to describe her it would be: charity. She is always willing to help those around her no matter how busy or tired she may be and she is always making sure others are comfortable. She is a great grandmother and a great mother. She is a great cook, and my personal opinion, the best in the family. I admire her faith and devotion to the Lord. She is and always has been a hard worker in all that she does. Feliz cumpleanos mami!

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