Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Memories in the making

One of the things I enjoyed about the fish family that I learned of when I first married Janson was the fun competitions they had. For example take his gingerbread house competition. Janson and Justin were top rivals and each were planning their gingerbread houses for WEEKS before the competition. Janson pre-baked a sample of gingerbread he made FROM SCRATCH to make sure it was what he wanted. He found a template for the house and pretty much built this wonderful victorian style house from scratch - with built in lights for the fence. Who was the winner? Janson - winning the grand prize. 


CAMMI AND I were runner ups with this ginger bread house (above) made from a KIT that we both worked on. Thinking we had no chance against Janson and Justing we started messing around but in the end created a gingerbread master piece in the eyes of the judges - beating Justin's San Fransico style gingerbread house.
JUSTING'S SAN FRANSICO THEME GINGERBREAD HOUSE. - (melted jolly ranchers for water effect)

hours of work....to be in third place.......

Adam's white trailer trash version of gingerbread house. 

missionaries work?

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